Contact Us

Call or text: 954-524-2500


Address: 714 Ne 1st Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

Proudly serving Flagler Village and the surrounding
Fort Lauderdale area since 2014

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
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Do you have same day appointments?

Most of our services are by appointment only. However, we do occasionally have same day openings.

Just give us a call- we’ll accommodate you, if we can!

How long will it take to groom my pet?

We normally ask for 3-4 hours to complete a grooming service. It could take less time, or more.

It depends on the pet’s coat condition, behavior, health and the type of service requested. We like to work at the pace most comfortable for your pet. Some pets benefit from breaks or a slower drying process, for example.  We can give you 30 minutes notice before your pet is ready so you may pick up promptly.

Will my pet be in a crate?

It is very important to us to provide a safe environment for all. Therefore, we do not allow

Pets to roam free in our salon. We have kennels and playpens of varying sizes to keep your pet

Safe and comfortable.

How much will it cost to groom my pet?

Our prices are based on the pet’s size, coat condition, behavior, health and the type of service requested. Therefore, we can’t give price quotes without meeting your pet. Consultations are free! Please contact us to schedule a “meet and greet”.

Do you pluck ears and express anal glands?

We do include these services in our grooming packages. However, they are by request and should have the approval of your veterinarian. Ear canals are gently plucked to remove excess hair. Anal glands are emptied by external method only.

Do you groom cats?

We provide full service cat grooming.

However, there is a waiting list for new cat clients.
Find our services here

What is your cancellation policy?

Same day cancellations.

We understand that sometimes you may need to make last minute changes to your daily schedule.

Same day cancellations and “no shows” will result in required non-refundable deposits for future appointments.

What forms of payment do you take?

We accept cash, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover, debit cards, Apple pay,

Android pay and Zelle.